Page 2 - Reviews - Alba Botanica, Very Emolient Body Wash, Ocean Surf, 12 fl oz (355 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jan 31, 2024
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Auto-translated from Ukrainian

✔️ Choose the right pace of life. The busier our everyday life is, the less love there is in it. But without love in a person's life, everything falls apart. So to begin with, just slow down. There are those who do exactly the opposite: in pursuit of success, they work harder and harder, hoping that such a race will bring them happiness. This is fundamentally wrong. It's time to change tactics. And the sooner, the better. ✔️Take a break from work. Think about why you need rest. To the body? Mind? By feeling? Vacation means that you are not working. For example, you are busy with mental work. This means that the brain needs a break. Real rest for you is not to think. Try not to analyze anything on vacation, but just relax. Go to nature. ✔️Learn to say "no" Without saying "no" and giving in when we don't want to do it, we feel offended. Try to answer like this: "I would be happy to help you, but I have prior commitments." Obligations to whom? In front of you. ✔️ Think over the rules of family life. Before getting married, the lovers should sit down and, after cold-blooded deliberation, make an agreement about everything. What values do they share and what assumptions cannot be broken? How many children do they want? Who will be the main breadwinner? Where will they live and what size house do they need? Who washes the dishes, and who manages the family budget? It is necessary to discuss everything openly, so that later no one complains that he is being forced to follow rules that he did not sign up for. ✔️Eat wisely. People believe that meat gives more energy because it has more calories than vegetables. But think about how much energy is needed to digest and assimilate it? How much will you have left for the case? Next to nothing. That's why you want to sleep so much after a heavy meat meal. On the contrary, vegetables contain few calories, but little is spent on their assimilation, which leaves a surplus of energy for your work.

Posted on Sep 7, 2023
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Auto-translated from Russian
Posted on Sep 8, 2023
Posted on Sep 2, 2023
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Auto-translated from Chinese, Traditional
Posted on Apr 29, 2024
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Auto-translated from Korean